Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Halloween Spider Truffles

I am planning this year's halloween party food and decided to share my usual halloween potluck dish here: Brazilian chocolate truffles (brigadeiro), dressed like spiders. The recipe is easy. I have already posted it here. You only need to add the following ingredients:

1 tube of black ready-to-use icing (you can buy the Wilton brand here)
1 bag of candy buttons (you can buy them here)
black candy sprinkles


Follow the recipe as described here.

Then decorate:

Roll the truffles in the black sprinkles. Put them in the candy cups. Arrange the truffles in a dish before starting the rest of the decoration.
Add a little drop of the icing on the flat side of a candy button. "Glue" the candy button on a truffle. This is one "eye". Repeat this process until you have all the truffles with 2 "eyes".
Then carefully add a round drop of the icing on each eye.
Finally, spread some icing on the truffles, creating the legs.

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