Monday, January 10, 2011

Easy Baked Rice with Tuna

And what did I prepare to go with the New York steak that I baked on the other day? This rice with tuna. Perfect, I just needed to add it on the lower shelf of the oven. It just cooked in less time than the meat, but still great for a lazy dinner.


1 cup rice
1 1/2 cup chicken stock

1 can tuna (in oil or water), drained
1 tablespoon olive oil or butter (optional). If you use tuna in oil, better not add more oil/butter.


Preheat oven to 180 C.
In a baking dish, drop and mix all ingredients. Bake for 25 minutes or until rice is tender.

Note: The tuna rises to the surface. Therefore, it would be good to stir halfway in the cooking process. This also prevents dryness of the rice on the surface.

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