Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chicken Salad Brazilian Style

We normally serve this salad as an appetizer or main dish in informal parties for a crowd. It can be made ahead and doesn't need to be warm. Actually, it is best served cold.


2 medium potatoes, peeled, diced, cooked al dente
1 cup cooked chicken, diced or shredded
1/2 small carrot chopped into thin strips, cooked al dente
2 tablespoons of peas, cooked al dente (from frozen is fine)
2 tablespoons raisins
3 tablespoons cooked ham cut into strips
1/2 cup cooked corn (from a can or frozen is fine)
A boiled egg, chopped


5 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 tablespoon grated onion
1/2 tablespoon mustard
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste


Mix all dressing ingredients, add the other ingredients. Refrigerate for an hour or more. Serve.


  1. I will certainly try it. I particularly liked the sauce. I am bookmarking this.

  2. This looks delicious. I copied the recipe and plan on making this one this week. Thank you for sharing this

  3. am a follower from foodista. must try all the food.

  4. And some suggestions for serving this salad in parties:
    little cups:
    with golden (or other color) forks:
    Thank you for the comments, La Cucina del Topino, Katerina, Alisa and Caroline, I hope you try making it.

  5. Hi there!

    My name is Steve Walters and I recently started blogging at, which is currently being updated with recipes, but in the next few months will be my vehicle for covering the food and restaurant scene in Bangkok Thailand.

    I am now in the process of meeting as many food bloggers as I can and I found your site recently and was pretty impressed. I've added your site to my Foodie Blogs list here: and would also like to add you to my blogroll.

    If you could add my site to your blogroll and write back to let me know it has been added (foodie [at] I will add you to mine as well and the exchange would be greatly appreciated!

    As you might imagine I am very excited to get moved to Bangkok and get started on covering the food scene there as I feel it is an area that isn't well covered by English speaking bloggers. I plan on adding loads of great reviews, pictures and even video and will be holding contests as well. It should be fun, entertaining and informative for everyone that visits.

    Thank you so much in advance for adding me to your blogroll and I look forward to reading your posts (I've subscribed!) and maybe even featuring some of your own posts as I do plan on a weekly roundup of Thai themed recipes and posts from other food bloggers.

    Warm regards,

    P.S. If you are on Twitter I would love to have you as a follower and I follow back:
